

2023 August Market Study: Modernizing Service Experiences With AI & Digital

Brian Cantor | 08/17/2023

For consumers, 2023 has just been another year of disappointing interactions with brands that barely know, let alone care about, the people they are serving or issues they are addressing. Given such negative consumer sentiment, brands have little reason to celebrate the experiences they are currently providing.

They can, however, celebrate the opportunity they have to transform. Thanks to advances in digital communication and artificial intelligence (AI) technology, brands have an unparalleled ability to analyze customer behaviors, honor customer preference, personalize customer experiences, and cultivate teams of customer-centric agents. 

What will it take to make the most of this opportunity? Guided by CCW Digital’s exclusive research, this Market Study provides the answers. It reveals how to correctly approach digital and AI technology so that experiences improve, customer trust increases, and business results soar. Topics include:

• The biggest reasons customers distrust your digital channels
• The truth about digital engagement vs. traditional phone calls this year and beyond
• Insight into whether agents are ready to support the digital transformation
AI risks that could undermine customer and employee experiences if left unaddressed
• Best metrics and objectives for grading your customer-facing chatbots
• Top ways AI will improve agent performance and satisfaction

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