

Special Report: Generating Revenue in the Contact Center

Brooke Lynch | 05/12/2022

Conversations about a revenue generating contact center used to be entirely centered around efficiency. Contact center executives focused their efforts on reducing average handle times, managing call volumes and securing first call resolutions. By improving the productivity of their agents, organizations were able to boost their effectiveness and control costs.

In many ways, these metrics are still incredibly vital to the success of contact center operations; removing points of friction in the agent’s journey can lead to more streamlined experiences and optimal service outcomes. However, by exclusively focusing on efficiency, organizations lose sight of the actual content of the interaction itself.

In 2022, organizations must work toward efficiency gains while ensuring their agents are equipped to deliver meaningful interactions to customers at every touchpoint. According to CCW Digital research, customer satisfaction metrics like CSAT, NPS and retention rates overtake efficiency measures and are considered the most important indicators of CX success to 86% of organizations today.

With a focus on experiences, organizations can leverage technology to simplify the agent's workflow, alleviate inefficiencies and optimize contact center operations. As organizations improve experiences and boast high-quality service interactions, they will establish long term loyalty and effectively generate revenue in the contact center. This report will highlight:

  • Key challenges that are preventing organizations from establishing the contact center as a revenue-generating asset
  • Solutions that will help organizations not only achieve operational efficiency but deliver exceptional experiences across the customer journey
  • Ways to secure loyalty and build meaningful relationships in the digital age
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