When Buick put Shaquille O’Neal behind the wheel of their Buick LaCrosse car commercial they were trying to make a big impression. But I had some big questions of my own for them to make sure they weren’t steering drivers in the wrong direction…
Dear Buickians:
I’ve got three questions about your Buick LaCrosse television commercial starring Shaquille O’Neal.
1)How come you chose a basketball player instead of a famous lacrosse player as a spokesperson?
2)Shaq says he’s got shoes that are bigger than most hybrids. What size are Shaq’s shoes … and to prove that’s not a false advertising claim, can you name a hybrid or two that his shoes actually are bigger than?
3)Big Shaq is talking about getting full-size luxury from the Buick LaCrosse. Yet when he’s in the driver’s seat his knees are about halfway up the side of the wheel. How can he possibly drive comfortably in that position for more than a couple of minutes without his knees locking up?
My parents once owned a Buick Electra. Every time I drove it through a puddle it stalled out. Other than that, I have good memories about it.
Best of Buickly yours,
The Buick Consumer Support Team responded with:
Thank you for contacting the Buick Customer Assistance Center. Thank you for contacting us recently regarding our Buick Advertisement. In behalf of General Motors and Buick, we would like to extend our sincere apologies for any inconvenience that this concern has caused.
One of the best things about America is that we have the freedom to openly discuss our personal values, ideas and beliefs. At Buick, we recognize that individuals have many different views. Thank you for sharing yours with us.
Feedback from customers, such as you, is very helpful to us. We have documented your concerns and will be forwarding your comments to the appropriate department for their consideration.
Thank you again for taking the time to let us know how you feel.
If you have any product or dealer related questions or concerns, feel free to contact our Buick Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-521-7300. Customer Relationship Specialists are available Monday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Eastern Time.
Again, thank you for contacting Buick.
Final Thoughts:What a big waste of time this was! First, Buick extended their sincere apologies for any inconvenience this concern caused. Why they assumed I experienced any inconvenience is beyond me. It’s not like I told them I was 7 foot 1, 325 lbs. and having trouble squishing my Shaq-like body into a LaCrosse.
Then they expressed how one of the best things about America is the freedom to openly discuss our personal values, beliefs and ideas. Meanwhile, they didn’t bother to share even one original thought in an attempt to discuss my questions. Instead, they replied with a generic form letter full of corporate mumbo jumbo that didn’t mention the words Shaq, LaCrosse or big once.
Buick also wrote that feedback from customers such as me is very helpful to them. Yet they have no clue who I am or what I’m like! Buick must have tons of different types of customers. Plenty are surely nothing like me. So why would they single out feedback from customers such as me? I’m not a cat lover, fan of opera, the size of a jockey or covered in moles, but I can’t believe customers such as them wouldn’t also have very helpful feedback to offer.
Finally, Buick said they documented my concerns and forwarded them to the appropriate department. Why didn’t they forward my inquiry to the appropriate department and have them respond in the first place? What makes them think consumers want responses from departments that aren’t appropriate? Too bad they don’t realize how inappropriate their feedback is since it doesn’t provide any feedback to my feedback at all.
Here’s where you can watch big Shaq in the Buick LaCrosse commercial. But no matter how big or small you are, here’s where you can see if the Buick LaCrosseis a good fit for you. However, if you’re having trouble sizing up a company’s product claims, it doesn’t take a big man — or woman — to Write The Company.
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