

Special Report: Multilingual Engagement

Brian Cantor | 10/02/2017

Customers say they want fast, frictionless, accurate interactions that are resolved on the first contact. Think about what those demands mean to customers who do not speak your contact center’s default language.

If the interaction does not take place in the customer’s preferred language, what are the odds the interaction will yield an efficient, effective resolution on the first contact? What are the odds it will be entirely accurate, let alone friendly? What are the odds it will feel “easy” to the customer?

The answer to all such questions is a resounding “not good.” A multilingual engagement strategy will help you remedy that problem.

This special report investigates that endeavor. More importantly, it reveals how to successfully launch a multilingual strategy. Topics include:

  • Why multilingual engagement matters in today’s market
  • How does the rise of omnichannel impact multilingual strategy?
  • 5 goals of a multilingual strategy
  • A quiz to determine the best multilingual approach for your business
  • 6 solutions for multilingual engagement – and how to optimize them
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