You will not find a single customer contact leader who disputes the importance of data. You will doubtfully find many who dispute the importance of “actionable analytics.”
You will, however, find plenty of organizations that are struggling to make the most of their customer data. They may be looking in the wrong places. They may be adhering to the wrong definition of “actionable.” They may be prioritizing the wrong information.
Whatever the problem, the result is a negative impression on customers: only 12% of customers are very satisfied with their brand experiences, and only 11% believe brands care about their feedback.
It is time to overcome these challenges and become a more data-driven, more customer-centric contact center.
By covering the following topics, this report will reveal how:
• 6 common mistakes you’re making with customer data
• How AI, omnichannel and service design are changing the customer analytics landscape
• What it really means to have “actionable intelligence” and a “360-degree view”
• Specific keys to a better customer intelligence strategy
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