In an era in which the drivers of customer satisfaction can change in an instant and teams are more disconnected than ever before, contact centers require real-time insights and guidance to meet consumer expectations and optimize agent performance. They require actionable analytics.
Wanting something and achieving something are, however, two very different things. Many companies are still struggling to collect the right customer data, let alone unify it across channels, uncover game-changing insights, and then empower stakeholders with pivotal intelligence at key moments of truth.
This special report will help you overcome all existing analytics challenges. It will reveal where customer intelligence programs go wrong, before providing specific steps for making actionable analytics work in today's new CX normal.
Topics include:
- 5 insights that can transform your customer experience
- Scorecard for determining whether your data is "actionable"
- Key mistakes that can undermine your CX operation
- Steps for succeeding with analytics in the omnichannel world
- How work-from-home is transforming contact center intelligence
- How AI is revolutionizing contact center intelligence
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