

‘May The Fourth Be With You’: 4 Ways Companies Can Use Digital To Capitalize On CX For Star Wars Day

Wandy Felicita Ortiz | 05/04/2023

In a galaxy far, far away, Customer Contact Week is gearing up for CCW Vegas. But in a much nearer neck of the cosmos, CCW is looking at what the month of May means for companies looking to increase their customer engagement and improve service before the summer swing. 

May marks a slow roll into warmer weather, holidays, off-days, and customers making a mad purchasing dash for all their long weekend and summer Friday fixings. 

Ideally, if you’re reading this piece, you’ve already set up email drip campaigns, scheduled your summer sales, crunched your 2022 customer data numbers and started setting up your new initiatives for Q2. But if you’re not and the dog days of summer are close to slipping through your fingers, there are still a few things you can do on Star Wars Day to up your customer contact game (lightsabers not included). 

1) Send an email blast or run a digital campaign reminding customers to use “the Force” when it comes to their purchasing power.

"The Force is not a power you have. It’s not about lifting rocks. It’s the energy between all things, a tension, a balance, that binds the universe together." — Luke Skywalker, The Last Jedi

The influence customers have on the CX space is as vast as the Star Wars universe, and reminding consumers that their interactions with your brand are as powerful as Jedi mind tricks is one way to open up avenues for collaboration and connection this month. Showcase your monthly offerings, highlight recent success stories with clients and remind buyers why your organization is the best option among competitors. Include areas to submit feedback, offer suggestions and even a call to action (ex: pick your favorite product/experience) that can be followed up on later in the month near Memorial Day weekend with results.

2) Join in on the #MayThe4thBeWithYou social fun and invite your team to share their experience within the organization.

CCW Digital research shows that consumers prefer to purchase from companies that reflect their interests and values. And when it comes to the Star Wars fandom, that customer loyalty runs generations deep. Are there any Han Solo stans on your team? Invite them to share their favorite Star Wars themed photo, quotes, or stories. Even better, ask them to share their own hero story on how their employee experience is helping them to amplify their customer interactions over time. 

3) Take a look back at May Fourth's past, and highlight on social channels, on video or via email how your organization has evolved over the years, much like Star Wars lore. 

“You can’t stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting.” —Shmi Skywalker, The Phantom Menace

This day is all about celebrating the old school and embracing the new school. Is there a campaign, sales strategy, product or experience that you really excelled at executing on this day a few years back? Did one of your employees–or even a customer–have an amazing interaction with your brand that was soon forgotten over the past 365 days? This is your opportunity to show how diverse your CX strategy is, and just how you’ve embraced new technologies, trends and data over the years. Customers value organizations that can keep up with the times, customize their journey through the galaxy, and have some personality to them as well.

4) Give some insight on a trending customer contact topic in today’s news cycle. Everyone could use a CX Yoda in their corner.

“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” — Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back

Networking not just with consumers, but with your peers, is a powerful tool in the customer contact space. All those LinkedIn posts, Twitter threads and online discussion forums that are covering topics, problems or issues that your organization addresses–you need to be a part of those conversations. Engaging and interacting with content from contemporaries and customers is one way to re-humanize the digital space beyond copy/paste inquiry responses and run of the mill FAQ pages. It reminds everyone that your organization isn’t just a logo and a price point–it’s composed of living, breathing people who have interesting ideas to contribute to the customer contact landscape. Sharing knowledge beyond what’s found on your website is one way to appeal to future customers who may want to go behind the paywall to gain more in depth insight from your company or get their hands on a product that can assist them in building out more diverse CX solutions. 

This is a new day, a new beginning. Today you have the power to change your CX destiny with some brainstorming and digital strategy. Go forth with the tips and tricks you need to succeed in customer contact. 

And remember…may the Force will be with you, always.



1. Feature photo by Matthew Ball on Unsplash:
2. Video courtesy of the Star Wars Official YouTube page via Disney+:

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