CCW Exchange Sponsorship Resources

The Exchange Series offers mutually-selected, 1:1 meetings between C-suite & VP executives and solution providers that can help them with their CX & Customer Contact challenges.

Whether your goals are based on executive lead generation, thought leadership, brand awareness, or a combination of all, we offer various opportunities to assist you in achieving your targets. If you are interested in learning more about our sponsorship packages please reach out to Giulia Savino.


Giulia Savino

Senior Marketing Manager,
Exchange Event Series
Customer Management Practice

Contact Giulia


Customer Contact Week Nashville Sponsorship Opportunities

 CCW Exchange Sponsorship prospectus

  Learn about the wide variety of sponsorship opportunities, audience demographics, current sponsors, and more!

 View Now  Request a Copy

  CCW Emerging Tech Exchange Current Attendee Snapshot

   See which Customer Contact and CX Professionals are joining the CCW Emerging Tech Exchange this February 19-21 in San Francisco!

  View Now  Request a Copy

CCW Emerging Tech Exchange Agenda

   Get an inside look at what we have planned this February including the speaking faculty, sessions, and schedule!

  View Now  Request a Copy

Customer Contact Week Miami Sponsorship Opportunities


Much Better Conversations !

“The one-on-one meeting set up and the preparation that CCW has done has to provide us with the information that has allowed our team to do a lot of research to make the meetings more tailored and targeted to what they want to talk about. That’s benefited in much better conversations and ultimately better use of everyone’s time.”
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Gives the Intimacy Lacking at Large-Scale Conferences!

“An exchange gives the intimacy that you lack at the large-scale conference. The big conferences are great because you can see so much at once, but the exchanges give you the ability to really connect one on one with somebody for a 30-minute period and determine whether you can help each other.”

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One-on-one Meetings with Executives in your Target Market!

“With the CCW Exchange, I love the ability to get to meet people in person again, how nice is that? And it’s really communal. You come here a couple of times and you start to see the same faces again and again and the ability to have close one on one meetings with executives in your target market is something that’s very difficult to get anywhere else.”

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Great Opportunities to Follow Up Later!

“I think the exchange we look at as more of an intimate setting. It’s great to network with folks and I get back out here in person instead of sitting behind a bunch of Zoom meetings, but really get our brand name out there and make folks aware of Redpoint and have some great opportunities for follow up later.”

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One-To-One Business Meetings!

“The one-to-one business meetings have been great. We found that people were not only engaged but were willing to understand what Meta is looking to do from a business messaging lens and how it could relate to what they’re trying to accomplish. So, by being in the one-on-one setting people tend to be a little bit more open, willing to share, learn, and hopefully figure out how to engage with each other in the future.”

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