Brooke Lynch

Principal Analyst and Deputy Divisional Director CCW Digital

Brooke Lynch is the Divisional Director for CCW Digital. With a background in television news and production, she’s worked across industries covering B2B marketing, procurement, and finance events. Her current work highlights challenges and opportunities for customer experience and contact center leaders, with a recent focus on e-commerce, retail, and technology. Brooke studied journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and held positions at Fox Business in Development and as a college associate on Countdown to the Closing Bell.

Tuesday, September 10th

12:00 PM Analyst Chat: Breaking Down the AI-Powered Contact Center

In today’s contact center environment, the only constant is change. AI is revolutionizing the contact center space and changing the way we engage with customers, cater to employees and deliver exceptional support.

In the AI-Powered contact center, leaders have the potential to enhance interactions and meet customer needs at an unprecedented level. But, how can we get there? How can we begin an AI journey that will change the CX Game?

This session will unpack key elements of the AI-powered contact center and share insight on transforming CX with AI. With next-generation self service, intelligent automation and contextual customer data, organizations will be in the position to exceed expectations and enhance operations.

Join this session to learn more about:

  • The technology behind an AI-powered contact center
  • Insight for starting and succeeding in your AI journey
  • Next-steps for building a modern customer experience

2:10 PM Modernizing Voice Experiences with Purposeful AI

Although customers are increasingly leveraging digital to streamline interactions and secure seamless solutions, they still prefer a human touch. CCW Digital’s latest research confirmed that a lack of access to human support was the #1 customer pain point in 2024.

Modernizing the voice experience, then, is still critical to a robust and customer-centric service experience. Ensuring that customers not only have access to a human agent, but a clear, intuitive and seamless phone experience is critical. 

With 67% of customers stating that they trust the phone channel to solve their problem, leaders must work to bolster this trust with a stronger voice experience. This session will cover the key pillars of an exceptional voice experience in 2024.

It will also unpack:

  • Solutions and technologies for modernizing the phone channel
  • Insights on how purposeful AI will transform traditional experiences
  • Case studies on how voice technology can secure positive CX outcomes