Drew Halsch

Principal Solutions Consultant Tealium

Drew Halsch is a Principal Solutions Consultant at Tealium, specializing in aligning technology and business needs to deliver innovative, client-centric solutions. With a decade of expertise in the Digital Experience and Customer Data domains, Drew is a highly experienced Marketing Technologist. In his role, he collaborates with clients to formulate and architect solutions that leverage Tealium, seamlessly integrating them with existing technology stacks to drive sustained success through the Tealium Customer Data Hub.

Tuesday, September 10th

12:40 PM Building Scalable AI Data Architectures for Modern Service Experiences

Discover how to harness the power of AI to transform service experiences with robust and scalable data architectures. This session will explore the importance of AI in modern service interactions, delve into the challenges and pitfalls of AI implementation, and provide strategic approaches to designing effective AI data frameworks. Learn why many AI projects fail and how to prepare your organization for future AI advancements by reimagining your data architecture to support scalable, impactful AI-driven services.