August 22 - 24, 2016
Hilton Tower Hotels, Austin, TX

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

08:00 - 08:45 Registration & Breakfast

08:45 - 09:00 Chairperson's Welcome & Opening Remarks

Eli Goodman, Chief Data Enthusiast & Vice President, Strategic Partnerships at Jumpshot

Eli Goodman

Chief Data Enthusiast & Vice President, Strategic Partnerships

09:00 - 09:45 Aligning Customer Analytics Investments to Key Business Drivers

No matter what the industry or progression on the analytics maturity journey, the contingency of a successful customer analytics program is tied to a thorough understanding of business objectives. In spite of the increasing access to high quality customer data, it’s all futile without accurate frameworks to produce actionable insights. In building a customer-focused enterprise, tightly organizational alignment needs to take precedence.

Key Takeaways:
• Management before measurement: Setting clearly defined business drivers
• Identifying which investments to prioritize in yielding high quality data
• Pick your players: identifying the correct technical operations and analytics partners to champion your customer-focused initiatives

John Carter, Chief of Analytics & Business Insight at Charles Schwab

John Carter

Chief of Analytics & Business Insight
Charles Schwab

09:45 - 10:30 Pressing Priorities and Predictions in Customer Analytics

The unprecedented demand for analytics has created more opportunities geared toward data leaders.With rapid technological advances and applied analytics uses, we’re able to leverage robust datasets to develop strong customer insights. Regardless, in keeping up with the speed of change, knowing where to devote time and what trends to incorporate has never been more of a challenge. Based on extensive research pulled from a diverse network of analytics leaders, this session will address the pressing themes and predictions organizations can utilize to drive customer-centric leadership.

Key Takeaways:

· Improving the value of analytics with benchmarks related to insights and customer service

· Equipping your data talent with business acumen and career development programs

· Exploring new trends and investments in cloud utilization and cognitive technology

Dan Magestro, Vice President, Research Director at International Institute for Analytics

Dan Magestro

Vice President, Research Director
International Institute for Analytics

10:30 - 11:15 Morning Networking Break & Demonstration Drive

11:15 - 12:00 Working Cross-Functionally to Unify the Analysis and Insights Process

As big data becomes a strategic business asset, it is predicted that through 2019, 9 out of 10 organizations will have a Chief Analytics Officer. In effectively maneuvering data across several business units, the CAO is in the driver’s seat, leading organizations to extract customer insights and deliver enhanced customer service. This presentation will go over the CAO’s role as a cross-functional strategist, as well as the power this leader has in accelerating topline growth.

Key Takeaways:
• Examining the impact of the CAO in centralizing cross-functional business units
• Overcoming internal challenges: breaking down organizational bottlenecks through effectively maneuvering critical resources
• Leveraging the role of CAO to improve outcomes and identify opportunities for product and pricing innovation

Zhongcai Zhang, Chief Analytics Officer, Business Intelligence at New York Community Bank

Zhongcai Zhang

Chief Analytics Officer, Business Intelligence
New York Community Bank

12:00 - 12:45 Creating IoT Business Value with Customer Analytics

The Internet of Things, or IoT, has rendered it possible to make products the earpiece for your customer’s story. Through connected intelligence solutions, one is now able to generate immeasurable value through: correlating data streams, analyzing customer trends and measuring business activities, all in real-time. In spite of these rapid advancements, a big gray area exists for organizations who are reluctant to harness the IoT transformation. Learn from a change agent’s perspective on how we can deploy IoT analytics to create transformational initiatives and bring new products to market.

Key Takeaways:
• Insight on how to leverage data from IoT to create revenue-generating products and services for customers
• Hear best-use cases of Stanley Black & Decker’s use of connected technology through a span of verticals-- healthcare, retail, and physical security
• Be the change agent: Piloting an enterprise analytics strategy in an IoT World

Dave Bhattacharjee, Vice President of Data Analytics at Stanley Black and Decker

Dave Bhattacharjee

Vice President of Data Analytics
Stanley Black and Decker


Meet with your fellow data warriors during our lunch and learn informal meet ups. .Choose from Open Networking luncheon tables or those set aside for Industry-Specific networking listed below.

• Financial Services
• Consumer/Retail
• Software & IT
• Travel & Hospitality
• Healthcare
• Media
• Energy & Utilities
• B2B/Industrials


13:45 - 14:30 Narrowing the Insights to Action Gap
Senior executives and other cross-functional partners show varying degrees of buy-in when it comes to Consumer Insights. Even though Consumer Insights will always be one of many considerations in solving a business problem, successful market researchers can ensure that their insights are seen as a key input for corporate decisions rather than just a “nice to have.”

Key Takeaways:
• Involve key stakeholders early in the process
• Focus on high-level implications rather than excruciating details for most audiences
• Deliver a clear point of view. Caveats and “buts” can go in the appendix

Andrea Lopus Cardozo, Head of Consumer Insights at Pandora

Andrea Lopus Cardozo

Head of Consumer Insights


13:45 - 14:30 Think Big, Start Small, Act Fast: Scaling Technological Capabilities to Adapt to Business Change
In today’s dynamic global economy, adopting technologies to drive the ability to be agile and responsive to change is more important than ever before. Through holistic, just enough, just on-time approach with iterative and fast delivery, organization can scale up technology driven business capabilities with relative fast delivery in iterative fashion.

Key Takeaways:
• Envision with long-term blueprint aligned with business strategies
• Start with selective function with focused end-results
• Fail fast, fail early and learn cheaply
Sean Xu, Head of Enterprise Information Management at MOTOROLA

Sean Xu

Head of Enterprise Information Management

14:30 - 15:15 Seeing the Future Can Be Your New CX Superpower

We all wish that we had a crystal ball to see the future, especially with regards to customer purchase decisions, as well as future needs. Unfortunately, predictive, data mining and other analytic approaches, have at best, provided a cloudy view of the future. Resolving these challenges with precision in mind, we're introducing PredictiveCX, the industry’s first full-featured predictive analytics solution to anticipate actions your customers will take and needs that they have – without even having to ask.

Key Takeaways:
• Increase the value of your customer data to improve customer retention efforts and grow customer relationships
• Apply insights to your entire customer base – at the individual level
• Proactively recover at-risk customers
Michael Allenson, Principal CX Transformation Consultant at MaritzCX

Michael Allenson

Principal CX Transformation Consultant

15:15 - 16:00 Networking Break with Brilliance Bar

16:00 - 16:45 A Road Trip from Predictive to Prescriptive Analytics

This talk will focus on one application that has kept thousands of customers in their cars while generating millions of dollars in profit. Toyota Financial Services developed a unifying framework for data management, prescriptive modeling, forecasting, and optimization. The lessons Toyota learned can help other companies on their journey from predictive to prescriptive analytics.

Key Takeaways:
• The importance of fitting analytics into the corporate culture
• The benefit of bringing analytics to the people closest to the customer
• How analytics transcends IT and involves numerous stakeholders
Jim Bander, National Leader, Decision Science at Toyota Financial Services

Jim Bander

National Leader, Decision Science
Toyota Financial Services

16:45 - 17:30 Engaging your Customers with Innovation

Today’s empowered customers have high expectations of products and brand experiences. How do you leverage customer feedback to spur product innovation within your company? How do you engage customers in prioritizing where you invest next, how you price your products, and how you create marketing and collateral? Go beyond the guessing game, and use data to connect with your customers.

Key Takeaways:
• Data-Driven insights to spur meaningful connections
• Customer-centric approaches to tailor product pricing, innovation, and external messaging
• Best practices and solutions to engage the customer in innovation—and designing the future with you

Karen Mangia, Vice President, Customer & Market Insights at Salesforce

Karen Mangia

Vice President, Customer & Market Insights

17:30 - 23:59 Cocktail Reception - First Drink on Us!