Brian Cantor

Principal Analyst & CCW Digital Director Customer Management Practice

Day 1: Tuesday, December 1st

1:00 PM Executive Roundtable: Making Work-From-Home Successful in 2021 & Beyond

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With fewer than 10% of companies planning to fully revert back to the traditional "contact center" model, it is clear that work-from-home is here to stay. Granted, once work-from-home becomes a choice rather than a requirement, the standards will rise. We can no longer ignore challenges related to quality, engagement, training, and workforce management the way we did in 2020. Similarly, we can no longer squander opportunities to elevate the at-home agent experience.

This roundtable will help you develop a work-from-home strategy that will allow to thrive - not simply "get the job done" - as the customer experience evolves in 2021. By following these tips, your agents will be more empowered, your operations will be more agile, your experiences will be more seamless, and your customers will be ecstatic.

Day 2: Wednesday, December 2nd

12:30 PM From Signal to Action: Noteworthy Customer Experiences Require Insights and Execution

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In-the-moment feedback from customer interactions can improve agent effectiveness in your contact center, as well as the overall customer experience. How you benefit from that clearer picture of your customers depends on taking intelligent actions using those timely insights.

Join experts from Medallia and ServiceNow in this discussion with a CCW analyst about why traditional methods of managing contact centers no longer apply in this age of accelerated digital transformation. Areas covered include:

  • Why fast issue identification and resolution is crucial for improving customer satisfaction
  • Ways to improve cross-functional collaboration and agent experience for a higher Net Promoter Score (NPS)®
  • The value of resilient and fast-acting service operations to permanently address customer issues and reduce contact volumes

Day 4: Friday, December 4th

2:00 PM Reimagining the Contact Center in the New Normal

View The Agenda Here

The events of 2020 had an abundantly clear impact on contact center priorities. They heightened the importance of continuity planning, accelerated the adoption of digital engagement, and established the significance of work-from-home. We, therefore, do not need to ask what the future of customer contact entails. Instead, we need to focus on how to adapt our contact centers to meet the evolved expectations of our customers, agents, and businesses.

This session, a discussion between Steve Bell of Talkdesk, Ed Poorbaugh of Sysco, and Brian Cantor of CCW Digital, will provide the answer. Our industry experts are eager to facilitate thought leadership on how contact centers can approach new initiatives for cloud migration, risk management, AI, and digital communication, while meeting increasing customer and agent demands.