Conference Day Two: Wednesday, 23rd October 2024

9:00 am - 9:10 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

9:10 am - 9:40 am Unlocking AI in Government

Simon Kriss - Chief AI Officer,

In this session, Simon Kriss will explore how local government can leverage AI to improve operations and drive customer success.


Simon Kriss

Chief AI Officer

9:40 am - 10:10 am Partner Case Study |

10:10 am - 10:30 am How Technology can Simplify Customer Requests & Integrate with the Back End for Seamless Experiences

Melanie Darmanin - Head of Customer and Business Improvement, City of Port Phillip

This session will explore how the City of Port Phillip has implemented new technologies to make it easier for customers to log requests, and how this technology can integrate with back-end systems to ensure requests are actioned upon for a seamless customer experience.


Melanie Darmanin

Head of Customer and Business Improvement
City of Port Phillip

10:30 am - 10:50 am The Tech Implementation Journey: AI-Powered Call Support

10:50 am - 11:20 am Morning Break

11:20 am - 11:35 am How do you build a Voice of Customer report?

11:35 am - 11:50 am What techniques are there for navigating past negative feedback?

Jasmyne Munro - Head of Customer Experience, Lake Macquarie City Council

When council communications were sent out to residents regarding updates to septic tank management, a slew of negative feedback was received leading to a change in operations.


Jasmyne Munro

Head of Customer Experience
Lake Macquarie City Council

11:50 am - 12:05 pm How do you share customer success stories?


Melanie Darmanin

Head of Customer and Business Improvement
City of Port Phillip


Sasha Lord

Program Director Digital Transformation
Hume City Council


Amber Benjafield

Director Customer Experience
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Victoria


Paula Majumdar

Former-Information systems & Technology (IST) Customer Experience Lead
New Zealand Parliament

12:45 pm - 1:45 pm NETWORKING LUNCH

1:45 pm - 2:45 pm Workshop One | Building Accessibility into Service Design

Jacqueline Shanahan - Service Design Chapter Lead – Director, NDIS

At GovCC 2023 we asked the audience, ‘how conscious is your organisation of ensuring products and services are accessible to all?’ Nearly a quarter of the audience responded either ‘some’ or ‘not at all’. This workshop is designed to help you think about accessibility needs of your customers and to share how to get the buy-in across the organisation to ensure you can deliver what it is that your customers want (and more importantly need!)



Jacqueline Shanahan

Service Design Chapter Lead – Director

2:45 pm - 3:45 pm Workshop Two | Possibility Panel

Ally Tregaskis - Systems & Improvement Manager, City of Sydney

Enter a gathering of mindsets and perspectives. Reconsider ‘as is’ processes, challenge traditional approaches and address common pain points in this interactive session to help you redefine success in customer service.


Ally Tregaskis

Systems & Improvement Manager
City of Sydney

3:45 pm - 4:45 pm Workshop Three | Taking your CX to the Next Level

In this session, Lee will take you through a new approach to CX, exploring how to recalibrate your customer experience - without impacting your resources – in order to transform employee interactions with customers and deescalate difficult situations.

4:45 pm - 4:50 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks |