Brooke Lynch

Divisional Director & Principal Analyst CCW Digital

Day 1: Tuesday, May 25th

12:00 PM CCW Digital Analyst Chat

Be an active part of the conversation as CCW Digital Analysts Brian Cantor, Matt Wujciak and Brooke Lynch unearth the key trends, insights and takeaways featured in CCW Digital's 2021 New Benchmarks for Customer Contact Performance Market Study. Our analysts will explore:

- How customer contact teams were not only able to navigate the changes and challenges they were faced with throughout the pandemic, but how they improved their performance and continued to meaningfully connect with customers both digitally and physically

- Prioritizing and elevating agent performance in an omnichannel world and the future of work-from-home post-pandemic

- Top contact center metrics, initiatives and interaction benchmarks for 2021 and beyond that will give you and your organization a competitive advantage