Brian Cantor

Principal Analyst & Director CCW Digital

Tuesday, August 13th

12:00 PM Analyst Chat: Breaking Down the Myth of ‘Technology vs. Humanity’

Technology vs. humanity is the age-old debate. The more we innovate, the more we long for the days of human connection. Failed chatbot experiences and frustrating technology has made customers skeptical of the digital-first mindset. In fact, 69% of customers said that a ‘digital-only’ strategy is unacceptable. Customers still want access to a human to ensure their needs are met and their voices are heard.

The argument of technology vs. humanity, however, is not reflective of the future of the contact center. In reality, technology + humanity is the most productive path forward for organizations who want to innovate and improve.

Join CCW Digital Analysts Brian Cantor and Brooke Lynch as they share new research from the Technology vs. Humanity Market Study. They will break down predictions for the future, from the agent to the customer experience, and how technology will support the contact center moving forward.

They will also discuss:

  • Frameworks for forming human-centered strategies
  • The future of the agent experience
  • Solutions that enhance operations and support agent performance