Torrin Webb

Senior Customer Experience Analyst Nationwide

Tuesday, August 13th

1:00 PM Consultative vs. Transactional Experiences: Uncovering Defining Moments in the Customer Journey

The customer journey is often unique; as customers embark on their own path they may need more streamlined support or comprehensive interactions. But,  defining what those moments look like and when to offer high-touch support is often a challenge.

Torrin Webb, CX Analyst at Nationwide Insurance will share his experience rethinking the customer journey in the age of AI. While self-service and automation are incredibly helpful tools, it is still critical to offer customers autonomy in how they engage with your brand.

By establishing key moments that are more consultative vs. transactional, Torrin and his team has been able to deliver a journey that feels intuitive to every customer.

Join this session to learn more about:

  • Uncovering personalization opportunities throughout the customer journey
  • How to keep customers in their channel of choice 
  • Challenges to ‘over-automating’ the journey