

Thank God It's Monday! How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love

In today’s tough economic climate businesses need to maintain their edge, and to find it they need to look within. "It’s a simple equation" says Roxanne Emmerich, president and CEO of Emmerich Group, Inc., a "workplace transformation" company.

"Companies that vanquish energy vampires and have fun develop a give-more spirit that results in higher customer satisfaction levels and bigger profits."

Roxanne Emmerich is the author of Thank God It’s Monday: How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love (FT Press, May 2009). Thank God It's Monday reached and maintained its position as #1 on Amazon's business bestseller list and made the Wall Street Journal's best seller list—all in the first week of its release.

Guess what the latest research about the workplace shows?

Over 91 percent of people spend a huge chunk of their day frustrated by their coworkers' dysfunctional behavior and think regularly about quitting their job.

Managers waste 37 percent or more of their day dealing with dysfunctional behavior. Who can afford that?

One dollar out of every three payroll dollars is lost for good due to disengaged employees.

And now, with all the layoffs, it seems those "left behind" are stressed and so fearful with twice the work and half the friends that their inability to get results will probably mean that they will soon be standing in the unemployment line too.

Thank God It’s Monday! addresses a broad range of workplace issues that cause stress and dissention, which often results in customers heading for the hills. Among the many key topics covered are:
  • Seven Secrets of a Thank God It’s Monday! Workplace
  • Initiating change that "Rocks Your World"–in a good way!
  • Giving employees permission to be extraordinary–leadership is not a position, it’s a way of being
  • Creating an atmosphere where everyday is a celebration
  • Busting "baditudes"–dealing with whiners, gossips, bullies, excuse-makers, divas, and saboteurs
  • Ten workplace conflicts that disrupt organizations—and the cure for each
Emmerich also focuses much needed attention on the principles of good business–values, accountability, trust–and the crucial need for work-life balance and self-assessment–and teaches employees and their managers how to not to lose that "new job feeling" of enthusiasm, commitment, and endless possibility. View select excerpts of the book here.

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