

Social CRM: From Buzzword to Business Model

CCW Digital Editor | 07/20/2011

When social media recently emerged as ‘the new’ channel for customers to communicate with business, the fundamental meaning of business as we knew it, changed forever to include the word ‘social’. But when people consider how they use social media, the last thing they are likely to consider is customer relations management. Social media has grown from strength to strength, because it provides people with a truly interactive way to connect and engage with friends – and now, business. Effective adoption of Social CRM not only provides customers with a new way to connect with organizations, it also provides businesses with unprecedented opportunities to engage and understand customers. In this key note session learn, "what your business needs to do,"to get social with its CRM:

  • Defined: What is social CRM?
  • How is social CRM being used, who is using it, and why?
  • Why your business should adopt social CRM?
  • Effective ways to integrate social CRM into existing processes and procedures

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