

The Sweet Mix of Customer Experience and Branding: Sugardaddy's Mark Ballard Spills All

Mark Ballard | 11/04/2009

Hardly a day passes that I don't get asked by one or more of our customers or other business leaders, "How has Sugardaddy's Sumptuous Sweeties® built a solid, successful brand and business in a relatively short period of time?" Or, "How has Sugardaddy's been able to garner national accolades and endorsements that have propelled the business with the acquisition of new customers?" Or, "How has Sugardaddy's continued to retain customers and grow during a down economy?"

In response to these questions, I enthusiastically reply, "By strategically and painstakingly creating and ensuring, every day, the best-of-the-best customer experience—every customer, every product, every interaction, every time!"

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