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Customers Are Demanding More Than Ever, Can You Hear Them? Can You Deliver For Them?

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Brian Cantor
Brian Cantor

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Despite all the talk about “competing on the customer experience,” consumers remain thoroughly underwhelmed with their brand interactions. Only 16% feel brands have significantly improved digital experiences over the past year, and the number falls below 15% for phone interactions.

More troublingly, consumers seriously question whether brands are committed to righting the course. Just 11% believe companies take their feedback very seriously, and a staggering 50% believe brands pay little-to-no mind to the voice of the customer.

No brand would downplay the importance of improving the customer experience, just as no brand would discount the importance of listening to customers. The issue, therefore, is a matter of process and technology more than one of mindset. Companies may want to tailor their experiences to the voice of the customer, but they are proving consistently unable to acquire valuable customer insights and then close feedback loops by taking necessary action.

It is in the context of this challenging landscape that Alida’s customer experience platform provides so much value.

A holistic experience platform, Alida TXM helps businesses acquire and integrate operational and experiential data, perform rigorous analysis to identify root causes and key opportunities, automate the process of taking action, and then gain complete visibility into how the actions are affecting key business metrics. Capable of processing broad feedback and deep insights from all customers, interactions, and channels, Alida’s toolkit creates an unbreakable link between the voice of the customer and the reality of the customer experience.

Gain an Unparalleled Window Into Customer Needs and Demands

Featuring a variety of practical, user-friendly tools, Alida provides brands with the multi-dimensional analysis today’s ever-complex customers deserve, while surfacing the clear and straightforward actions and recommendations today’s decision-makers need.

Recognizes the Nuances of Customer “Truths” - Sparq provides deep, ever-evolving, richly nuanced profiles of customers, offering actionable data about sentiment, intentions, and motivations within immensely valuable “insight communities.” For brands who promise to treat customers like “people rather than numbers,” Sparq provides a human look at all customers.

Collects Feedback In The Moment - Touchpoint brings feedback collection to the customer, incorporating surveys, calls-to-action, and other analytical capabilities into the actual user experiences on all channels. In addition to reducing friction and boosting response rate in comparison to traditional phone surveys, this approach increases data integrity by capturing customer sentiment as the actual experience is unfolding. For the first time ever, brands will be able to tie specific actions to changes in customer sentiment (and vice versa).

Makes Surveys More Effective - Granted, surveys are still a valuable way to uncover deeper problems and important opportunities, and Alida’s Survey tool helps companies create robust, secure surveys that are accessible on all devices. The video capability allows companies to create more appealing, engaging surveys that will drive higher response rates from visually driven customers.

Integration - CCW Digital research confirms “disconnected systems” as the #1 pain point affecting today’s contact centers. Alida users do not succumb to this problem, as the platform boasts integrations with major platforms in categories like CRM, customer support, survey, marketing, e-commerce, social, and analytics. By bringing experiential and operational data from all these platforms into a single ecosystem, Alida provides the most vivid possible portrait of the customer experience. The integration capability also ensures an easier deployment process, as well as a shorter learning curve for users.

Emphasis on action - Whereas some customer feedback platforms offer little more than a list of grievances and pain points, Alida emphasizes real, immediate, meaningful action. In addition to providing clear guidance based on the data it collects, Alida offers automation to simplify the process of turning feedback into improvement. The mobile-friendly platform ensures all stakeholders can view, interpret, and act on the data – regardless of where or when they are working. Robust measurement capabilities help companies close the loop by correlating action with key customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy metrics.

Extend the Value of Data Beyond the CX

The impact of quality customer data on customer experience design is rather self-evident. When a brand knows exactly who its customers are, exactly what they want, and exactly what they are experiencing at every phase of the journey, it is in position to successfully transform its CX.

The Alida platform is not just about redesigning customer journeys or improving interaction quality, however. It can truly elevate the entire customer contact operation.

The employee experience marks a particularly strong target for opportunity. Companies can turn all Alida components inward, using them to uncover vital “voice of the agent” feedback at a time when the risk of agent disengagement and attrition has never been higher.

With access to robust insights about the customer experience, agents and their managers are also able to improve the quality of training and knowledge management systems. This process empowers agents to perform better, leading to more harmonious, satisfying, and ultimately “human” interactions.

Whether to inform marketing efforts, reshape product development, advise IT on new investments, or help human resources hire the right talent, actionable customer data also has immense value beyond the customer contact function. Thought leaders increasingly view the contact center as a treasure trove of data, and the Alida platform is the key to unlocking such game-changing insight.

Unlocking the Power of Intelligence In Your Organization

Vital to most organizations that aim to deliver a stellar customer experience, Alida has powered an array of success stories in the healthcare, technology, media/entertainment, retail, consumer packaged goods, and financial services spaces.

With more than twenty years of experience, the company commits to being bold, empathetic, curious, and authentic. The mindset is clearly evident in the Alida suite, which helps curious companies empathize with their customers by capturing authentic feedback in creative, bold, and unprecedented ways.

Recognizing that the gap between collecting data and elevating experiences has long been a wide one, Alida does not take a set-it-and-forget-it approach to its systems. It offers partnerships to help people design data roadmaps, re-orchestrate customer journeys, and ultimately ensure that the voice of the customer is translating into a great experience for the customer.

For more details, visit Alida.