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2024 Consumer Preferences Survey Results: June Market Study

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Brian Cantor
Brian Cantor

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Talk about cultivating a culture of customer centricity continues to prove hollow. The majority of consumers feel that experiences actually regressed over the past year, delivering a harsh truth to businesses of all industries. The real kicker? AI technology, which many have been trumpeting as a saving grace, is exacerbating the situation.

What will it take to reverse this regression? What will it take to harness AI in a more productive, customer-centric way? What will it take to empower agents to deliver personalized, productive, loyalty-building service? What will it take to build a brand for which customers eagerly advocate?

Instead of guessing about the answers, CCW Digital went right to the source – and surveyed actual customers about what they want from chatbots, digital experiences, agent interactions, and in-store shopping trips. The answers are in this market study.

Topics include:

  • Sobering stats about the state of customer experiences – and the industries that saw particularly bad performance over the past year
  • The biggest customer pain points – and how they have changed from 2023
  • Sad truths about chatbots, and why customers fear that AI could lead to more CX regression
  • Insight into customers’ most and least trusted channels
  • Customers’ true feelings about “tip creep,” in-store shopping, politically charged brands, and more
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