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Top News in Customer Contact | Week of 12/9/2024

These are the top stories shaping the customer contact space today.

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Audrey Steeves
Audrey Steeves

CCW Digital Weekly Update 12/9

CCW Digital monitors trends across industries to identify the most relevant content and data for customer contact professionals in today’s ever-changing customer contact landscape.

  • Cyber Monday outperformed Black Friday by $2.5B in sales this year, demonstrating that digital channels are more and more frequently the primary customer channel.
  • Spotify Wrapped left many users disappointed this year,reminding us that reliance on flashy AI features (like their AI Wrapped Podcast) is a poor substitute for the functionality and features that customers advocate for.
  • Genesys and Accenture were recognized by Amazon Web Service as top Customer Experience Partners of 2024 for technology and consulting, respectively.
  • TikTok has partnered with Nielsen in a major move that will make customer data more accessible and may vastly improve advertisement targeting on the platform.
  • In a conversation with the editor-in-chief of The Verge, Microsoft’s AI CEO made bold predictions for the future of conversational AI and how it will transform the way we interact with the Internet.