Disruptive Technology Review: Contact Center Avatars
Add bookmarkWe mock the term “call center.” We celebrate concepts like “omnichannel revolution” and “digital transformation.” We cannot, however, ignore an important reality: voice is still the leading engagement channel by a considerable margin. The majority of customers continue to call our organizations.
As a consequence, disruption within the voice environment will make the greatest possible impact on the overall customer experience. This Disruptive Technology Review provides a pathway to that disruption.
It begins by exploring the most urgent challenges of the voice channel, before revealing a great misconception about what customers really want when speaking to live agents. It closes by exploring how avatar technology can meaningfully transform the voice experience, creating happy agents, loyal customers, and unparalleled profitability. Topics include:
- Exclusive stats on why customers choose voice for brand engagement
- 3 reasons organizations are struggling with voice engagement
- Biggest mistakes organizations are making with their voice strategies
- The intersection between automation, digital channels and live agent support
- 6 ways avatars will transform the voice experience
- Impact of avatars on customers, agents, executives and technology partners