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Special Report: The Role of Quality Training Data in AI-Enhanced CX

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Brooke Lynch
Brooke Lynch

Training data

At its core, AI is intended to display human-like capabilities. It boasts reasoning, learning, planning and creative functions and creates a framework for technology to solve problems and achieve a specific goal.

It’s these capabilities that make AI essential as we look to improve customer experiences and facilitate human centered digital interactions. With AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, organizations can provide customers with instant, seamless and personalized support. However, to create a flawless system, companies must focus on training their AI technology with the most accurate, high-quality data possible.

Only then can their AI models continuously learn and improve to establish long-term success. Because, without effective, diverse and accurate data, this sophisticated AI technology will underperform and ultimately diminish experiences.

This report will uncover:

  • The importance of quality data in powering exceptional AI experiences
  • Leading challenges preventing companies from analyzing and interpreting data
  •  Solutions to deliver automated experiences that exceed customer expectations.
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