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2022 March Market Study: Customer Contact Industry Review

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Brian Cantor
Brian Cantor

Customer contact industry review

Change may be the explanation for challenges. It cannot, however, become an excuse for struggle. As contact centers deal with marketplace uncertainty, the emergence of full-time remote work and the rise of digital channels, they also face heightened customer and employee expectations.

Whatever tolerance customers and employees had for “passable” experiences is seemingly vanishing by the minute. As a result, whatever tolerance the contact center had for complacency must also disappear.

How have contact centers been adapting to this ever-challenging landscape? What are their top priorities and focuses for the future? CCW Digital’s Customer Contact Industry Review has the answers.

Topics in this research-driven report are as follows:

• What have been contact centers’ biggest “wins” over the past year?
• Are companies truly delivering effortless and personalized experiences?
• What challenges are “keeping contact centers leaders up at night”?
• How are contact centers dealing with “The Great Resignation” and other employee engagement challenges?
• What are the “make or break” signs of a great CX, and how are they impacting the metrics companies use?
• Is digital really overtaking phone?

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