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How-To Guide: How to Optimize Contact Center Workforces

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Brooke Lynch
Brooke Lynch

Contact center workforce

The employee experience has become a leading priority in 2022. While we have always known that happy employees deliver better experiences, this sentiment has been emphasized tenfold over the past year. With customers increasingly expecting more, organizations are relying on their front line to facilitate meaningful and memorable support.

However, this pressure to establish increasingly better, faster and over-the-top experiences comes amid a culture of high turnover, attrition and diminished engagement. CCW Digital research confirmed that the complex labor market was considered the number one challenge for customer contact executives today. Things like heightened salary demands, high attrition and the aftermath of the great resignation have caused major shake ups across the CX function and continue to put organizations at risk for the future of experiences.

To improve experiences for both employees and customers, companies must work to understand the root causes of agent frustration and optimize workflows for a more intuitive and seamless day-to-day. Further, organizations must align their processes and technology with the values of their employees. To retain top talent and optimize the contact center workforce, companies must implement technology that supports the agents’ deeper needs.

This guide will cover:

  • The leading drivers of employee dissatisfaction
  • The greatest challenges of the current agent experience
  • Actionable tips on improving the agent’s workflow, optimizing contact center operations and facilitating better CX