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Special Report: Customer Service Personalization

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Brooke Lynch
Brooke Lynch


Great CX is now personalized — in 2022, customers expect brands to know them, reward them for their loyalty and recognize their moment-to-moment intentions. According to CCW digital research, industry leaders believe that the top ‘make or break’ qualities of an exceptional experience are accuracy, creating consistent and informative experiences across all channels, and personalization, tailoring interactions to each customer's needs and intentions.

Today’s customers recognize the mutually beneficial outcome of personalization. As they share more of their personal data, they expect brands to leverage this information to create individual experiences. Further, with sustained loyalty, they desire personalized benefits and discounts. 

To achieve the level of personalization that modern customers expect, companies rely on customer data. Considered the greatest influencer of innovation in the contact center, data is critical for optimizing and improving experiences as expectations change. However, companies may not be utilizing it to its full potential. CCW Digital confirms that over the past year, only 20% of organizations considered themselves to be very successful at creating more personalized experiences.

This leaves plenty of room for growth in terms of leveraging and analyzing data for better customer experience outcomes. 

This report will cover:

  • The importance of customer experience personalization
  • The role it plays in facilitating exceptional CX
  • Solutions that can improve personalization efforts and optimize workflows for more seamless yet meaningful experiences