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Special Report: AI Mistakes, Challenges & Opportunities

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Brooke Lynch
Brooke Lynch

AI challenges

AI has become a buzzword — and for good reason, when talking about innovation and improvement in the contact center, leaders often jump to AI. With sophisticated AI technology, brands can optimize performance, maximize efficiency and make their agents day-to-day easier.

However, the excitement surrounding AI does not equate to a mastery of the technology. One of the leading challenges with a successful AI implementation is a lack of familiarity and an inconsistent strategy for future success. This lack of preparation has led many companies to deem their infrastructure not ‘AI-ready’ preventing innovation over the long term.

Therefore, a clearer breakdown of the overwhelming benefits and preventable pitfalls of AI is needed to ensure a future in which companies can successfully improve and innovate without fear of failure. With agents continually struggling to perform amid complicated and complex workflows, redundant back-end tasks and disconnected systems, AI represents a critical resource for improving the agent and customer experience.

This report will cover:

  • The leading AI mistakes, challenges and opportunities
  • A comprehensive look at solutions that can optimize the contact center in 2022
  • Strategies for effective implementation and training of AI for continuous CX success
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