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Special Report: Automating Contact Center Operations

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Brooke Lynch
Brooke Lynch

Automating contact center operations
The customer experience has taken precedence over everything else in 2022; brands are working overtime to deliver faster, better, more exceptional experiences. At a time when customers are willing to shift their purchasing decisions and loyalty based on the experience surrounding a product, it has become clear that companies can no longer compromise on their standard of care.
While this has been an emerging trend for quite some time, the impact of growing customer needs has begun to take its toll. The weight of these heightened expectations is now increasingly falling on front-line agents, creating norms that, at times, feel impossible to uphold.
Add on factors like the great resignation, remote work and disconnected team environments, and the role of the agent is becoming more and more difficult to sustain. Now, companies must continue to place their focus on improving contact center operations to ensure that agents not only have the resources, but intuitive technology to efficiently do their jobs.
As customer expectations continue to rise, companies have the opportunity to prepare their agents for the long-term CX evolution. By automating contact center operations, organizations can finally allow their frontline agents to lean into their complex cases, provide more individual care and promote a culture of continuous improvement.
This report will cover:
  • Why we must prioritize automation in the contact center 
  • How it helps optimize the agent workflow
  • Ways to improve efficiency and deliver exceptional experiences fit for the modern customer
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